October 4, 2024

Want to Crush Your Last Quarter of 2024? The 5-Step Plan Every Successful Leader Needs

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Want to Crush Your Last Quarter of 2024? The 5-Step Plan Every Successful Leader Needs

The 3 most important roles for a ceo to know

Do less, lead more.

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“Hey there! Welcome to The Well, where we dive deep into leadership, productivity ( without burnout ), and creating success on your terms. Today, I’m excited to share with you a roadmap to make the last 90 days of the year your best quarter yet. This episode is for anyone who’s ready to step into their most aligned, focused and CLEAR era yet.

I’m feelin’ the level up, and I know if you’re here you’re ready tooo… so, let’s do this!

Part 1: Why the Last 90 Days Matter More Than You Think

So many people throw in the towel at this time of year. They think, ‘Oh well, I’ll wait until January to get serious.’ But that mindset is killing your potential. The truth is, it’s not too late to start fresh. It’s not too late to learn something new or to pick up where you left off. Whether you’re behind on your goals or just feeling unmotivated, today is the perfect time to recalibrate and finish strong.”

Part 2: 30 Minutes to Reset Your Success Path

Here’s what I want you to do: Take just 30 minutes to reflect, audit, and plan. It’s one of the most effective ways to reset and get crystal clear on what’s truly important. And this isn’t just a one-time thing—it’s a practice you can do every month to keep evolving, optimizing, and leading with purpose. Grab a notebook, disconnect from tech, and dive deep with these prompts.”

Part 3: Step 1 – Reflect

“The first step is reflection. I want you to ask yourself a few key questions to get honest about where you are. Here’s what I recommend you reflect on:”

1. What are you paying attention to that you should be? ATTENTION IS KEY
2. What are you paying attention to that you shouldn’t be?
3. What’s been your biggest win over the past 90 days?
4. What’s been your biggest challenge or area of resistance?
5. Were there any surprises that you didn’t plan for? How did you handle them?

Host: “This reflection is key to growth—it’ll help you see what’s working and what’s holding you back.”

Part 4: Step 2 – Audit Your Current State

“Next, we need to audit where you are right now. The trick to success is understanding your limits and the obstacles in your way. So ask yourself: What needs to change? What’s draining your energy? What can you stop doing, and what’s essential for moving forward? By getting clear on this, you can make smarter decisions about where to focus your energy.”

Part 5: Step 3 – Plan for the Future

“Now that you’ve reflected and audited, it’s time to plan. What are your most important priorities for the next 90 days? I suggest picking three key goals and breaking them down into actionable steps. Clarity leads to progress, and having a clear plan gives you a roadmap to follow, so you’re not just winging it every day.”

Part 6: Step 4 – Calendar Your Priorities

Host: “Here’s a truth you’ve probably heard before: If it’s not in your calendar, it won’t happen. Block time for your priorities and protect it fiercely. Your schedule should reflect what matters most, not just the day-to-day noise. When you commit to your calendar, you commit to your success.”

Part 7: Step 5 – Embody the Leader You Want to Be

“Finally, ask yourself: How would the most successful version of me show up today? Every day is a chance to embody that person—to act, think, and lead like the person you want to become. Step into that version of yourself now, and watch how your results shift.”

Who comes to mind that inspires you? Taylor Swift. Tony Robbins. Simon Sinek. Gary Vee. Maybe one of your friends, peers, mentor…. How do you think they plan their day?

Part 8: In’s & Out’s for the Last 90 Days

Host: “Now, let’s talk about what’s IN and what’s OUT as you close out the year. Here’s how to stay focused on what really moves the needle in your business and life:”

IN: Invest in time-savers. Automate or delegate one task to save hours each week.
IN: Say aligned YESes—only commit to what supports your goals.
IN: Simplify—less is more when it comes to your focus and energy.
IN: Take up space. Let your voice be heard at the table.
OUT: Stop over-complicating simple solutions.
OUT: Stop saying yes to everything. Protect your energy.
OUT: Let go of burnout work—focus only on what moves you forward.
OUT: Doubting the fact that you ARE absolutely f*cking brilliant and, made for this.

Host: “And one more thing: Prioritize rest and reflection. Stop seeking permission and external validation. Trust yourself, take bold steps, and don’t wait for anyone’s approval to act.”

Final Thought: Make the Last 90 Days Count

Host: “The last 90 days of 2024 can be your best quarter yet. But only if you’re intentional. Reflect, plan, act, and most importantly—trust yourself. This is your time to plant the seeds, make decisions, and finish the year strong. You’ve got this.”

Host: “Thanks for tuning in today! If you enjoyed this episode and want more tips on leadership and productivity, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter, follow me on social, or listen to more episodes of [Podcast Name]. Let’s crush these last 90 days together!”

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